“Out here on this Machine Gun”

Name: Pvt. Chester McConnell

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Date: December 20th, 1941

Unit: Battery “D” 68th Coastal Artillery

Btry D. 68 CA

Army Base

Boston Mass.

Dear Helen.

      Just thought I would answer your letter. I have nothing to pass the time away at, so here I am riding. If you got a letter from Lawrence, it’s more than I got, for I guess I am not a good enough for him to write too. I never got a letter from him since before I was home the last time. I suppose you are figuring on a big time over the Christmas holidays and here I will be out here on this machine gun. Anyway, I wish they would send us over across the water and get it cleaned up instead of just trying to bring one of those German planes of the clouds. The battery commander told us if we couldn’t make out if it was a friendly plane or a not, if not fire on it and that is what we will do. I guess I will close expecting an answer.

Your friend



“Won’t make it Home for a Couple of Months”


“It is Getting Awful Hot and Dry”